Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Management Tip, for Parents too :)

I wrote this today for my team, and i thought i'd also post in on my blog, because i think this management tip can also be applied to dealing with our kids :)

Building Relationships and Mirroring Clients
Being in the service industry, I wanted to share some tips about building better relationships and mirroring clients.

Let me start off by saying that each client is unique and we need to make them feel we know them and we can relate to them, so they will trust us and let us help them.

Take time to know your clients, be genuinely interested in them, be their friend :)
Have you noticed how in a meeting, the salesperson asks the clients how they are, what they did over the weekend, before she starts a meeting? Its a simple gesture that helps set the tone of the meeting, of the conversation with the client. She talks to one client about diving if he is a diver, talks to one client about travel and places they’ve been to if they love traveling, and talks to another client about kids, health tips, and other lifestyle related matters, all depending on what interests the clients. And this enables her to build a relationship with the client, making them feel more comfortable talking to her, treating her like a peer.

Are you facebook friends with your clients? Check their latest posts before you go into a meeting with them and use that as a starting point of your conversation - “Hey Cess, saw your post about this new restaurant in BHS, how was it? I’m interested to try it too!”

Most of you are already doing this and you just probably don’t realize it, because it just comes naturally, but only for those that you are really interested in, those you instantly like. What we should practice is doing this more consciously and consistently for ALL our clients, everyone you deal with. You will see that your relationship with them will improve greatly :)

Of course, lets also just be careful not to overstep our bounds, some clients don’t like us being “too friendly” too immediately – the relationship does not happen overnight. Learn to pace, assess and take cues from how they also respond back to you and take it one step at a time. If today, you asked how their weekend was, and they happily chatted away about their escapades, then the next time, you can probably engage them more by sharing your own stories, offering suggestions of new places to go to, etc. But if upon asking them, they brush you off with “oh, it was ok, thanks”, then it may be a sign that they don’t want to talk to you about it, yet. Try again next meeting with something else, like complimenting them on what they are wearing, etc., things that will make them open up to you that are not too personal :)

Aside from just getting to know them better, you should also mirror how they act – so they will feel comfortable around you.
Below is an article about mirroring, which I hope you can take time to read. Examples of mirroring that you are already currently doing is power dressing when you need to go meet “corporate” clients. Aside from dressing appropriately, we should also be more conscious of mirroring how they speak to us – if its a corporate client, then they are more used to a conservative culture and a more structured working environment – so be mindful of how you speak to them, be formal as well if they are formal, no nonsense. If your client is from the fashion industry or from the entertainment industry, then they are more likely to be casual – so you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable by speaking to them very formally :)
In the meantime, please keep in mind the tips I mentioned above, and also from the article below. And start practicing these in your upcoming meetings with your clients, or even in dealing with suppliers, partners – not only for those in client servicing – but for everyone – since we all deal and communicate with other people.
Mirroring and Pacing Your Client

Have you ever had a salesperson you felt comfortable around? There are reasons why. Weather naturally or they had trained themselves to do so. You can relate to someone through mannerisms and voice. If you are soft spoken and go to buy from someone who speaks really loud you are not gong to feel very comfortable around that person. A professional would lower their voice in this situation. If you talk fast, a professional is going to 
speed up their speech. If you talk in long sentences, a professional is going to do the same.

Mirroring somebody is going to make them feel more comfortable and able them to relate to you. With a client, whatever their personality is, the closer you are to them, the closer they will feel to you. The more they think they know you, the faster they will let down their guard. When your client lets down their guard it is easier for them to tell you what they want.

So always take the time to get in sync with your customer. If they talk really fast, talk faster. If they talk real quite, talk quite. If they use long sentences, use long sentences. If they use a certain tone, try to get to that tone. This is what I call "their rhythm". The better you get at mirroring your client the better they will understand you and the more they believe you understand them. By doing this you will also better understand them. You are putting yourself in their shoes. You will become more efficient at helping them get what they want.

I went to buy from people before; wanted what they had but I felt they were so different from me I couldn't buy from them. On the other hand I have had sales people who spoke my language, didn't have exactly what I wanted, but I bought from them anyway. They were so in tune with me, they took so much time to get to know my rhythm and what I wanted: of course I bought from them. That is the power of getting in tune with your customer. Do it and you sales will increase; I guarantee it.

Go Get 'Em!